Wassup world?
Before i start the review, there are a few things that i'd like to say. First of all, this is anime for adults. I repeat, this anime if for ADULTS and strictly for ADULTS only. Not because it got some sex scene or any sort, but i'll explain it later. Just, don't let the little kids watch this anime okay? Don't corrupt their minds. 2nd, this anime is not recommended for people who are positives and naive. By being positive i mean people who always think that the world is all fun and games, and justice will always prevail in the end. By naive i mean people who have a strong faith in those words mentioned earlier. Life is no fun and games, sometimes justice can't be served and that's life. And THAT is the main theme of the anime Black Lagoon.
Now back to the reviewing. Start off with synopsis first. Kitajima Roku is an ordinary white collared worker. But his life changed when he was kept hostage by the infamous pirate of the South China Sea, Black Lagoon. Though the main mission of Black Lagoon is to obtain a disk from Roku, one of the pirates named Levi(japanese pronounciation Revi) thought that the money offered is too low and thus decided they should take Roku with them as a hostage to earn more money. Dirty pirate bastards always think about money. But unfortunately, Roku's company refuse to pay for his release and instead of trying to save Roku, they hired an assasin to kill Black Lagoon's crew together with Roku. Now how fucked up is that? You just got pointed in the face by a bitch with a custom baretta gun ready to shoot the shit out of your frickin brains and your company which you work for won't do shit to save you? Boy, Roku is one unlucky bastard, he is. But somehow, they survived and in the end Roku decided to join Black Lagoon. Roku is now considered "dead". Now his name is Rock(Japanese pronounciation still Roku) and together with Black Lagoon, he dwells around the Thailand waters looking for preys and completing mission for their clients, pirate style.
Okay first of all, i've to say this is the second time i got my laptop smashed by my fist. The first time it's Adrian's Princess Hypocrite that makes me feel so frustrated. Now THIS makes me feel like jumping off Penang bridge. The anime try to deliver a very clear message to the world. Life, it's not all fun and games. Life is hard, life is harsh, if you're not careful you can't survive, in life you have to step on others if you want to succeed, this is all true. Yeah it sounds negative and all but seriously guys, this is life. Like it or not, you have to bear with it if you wanted to survive. I'm not saying there's nothing like justice and many other beautiful things in life but world nowadays are like this. Deal with it
You see what this anime did to me? So please don't let our kids watch this. Don't let them see the ugliness of the world and don't show them the hideous part of "life".
If you are the type of person who like stories with a happy ending, this anime should not be in your list. Most of the time, the arc will end with DEATH, something that is closely related to life. But i got to say, this anime is worth watching. Seriously now i understand why this anime won the awards of one of the best adult manga/anime, together with manga like 20th Century Boys(you know how dark is the plot of the manga 20th Century Boys isn't it?)
If you wanted to try something new, you should give this anime a try. It's a very interesting story. But the impact the story will leave for a person with weak willed heart like me, is negative. Now i'm feeling down all of a sudden. That explains why this thread are not as fun as how it used to be. But i'm still unsatisfied, and i want to watch more. There's a 2nd season and the 3rd season of the anime Black Lagoon out there, and i want to watch it. Although the effect of watching the anime may be negative for me.
Now shoo. Off you go. I'm not in the mood anymore.
See you later, jackass.
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