Ahad, 11 September 2011



Aku takleh aktif sangat ber-blog. For one, this blog haven't receive enough readers to motivate me to write. 2nd, i am FOOOKIN lazy to write an entry. 3rd, and the most important factor, is because THE INTERNET IS BEGITU TAHI SEKALI. Device dah detect tapi takleh connect. BONTOT. Panas ati tapi cuba bersabar. Dang it, Maxis i'll get you for this shit. YOU WON'T GET AWAY!!!

Itulah mukadimah post ini. Kegagalan Maxis untuk menyediakan line internet yang cantik aku boleh samakan dengan ke-PHAIL-lan De Gea menyelamatkan bola dari masuk ke celah kangkang beliau. Alamat main bola sepak pakai kain pelikat la brader. Ops, teralih topik. Pokoknya sabo je la mengadap Maxis Beruk-Band punye ragam ni. Esok baru aku maki Maxis Center

LOL saje kacau fans Man U jap. Tengah demam bola kan? *teheplz*

Ok2, masuk topik kali ni. Aku janji nk review sebuah komik anak watan (kepada yang PHAIL Bahasa Malaysia sebab asyik panjat pagar pastu nyorok lam kebun Haji Dawam merokok ngan geng takde masa depan, anak watan itu bermaksud MALAYSIANS) kan? Tapi sori la ladies and gentlemen. Aku terpaksa tangguh itu topik. Pasal skang ni ada topik lebih hangat dalam satu group art yang aku join dalam FB. Seriously, this bunch of people always have a hot topic to be discussed. WORTH A LIKE PEEPS. Memang sentiasa membantu sel-sel otak aku bekerja keras menulis sesuatu.

Baru-baru ini post yang hangat ialah mengenai SENI. Certain people say art should be a bit decent. Well, that's a good point, lad. Then another bunch say art should be free. THAT, is also a good point. Well the discussion start slow (and i came a bit late. no, no WAYYYY too late. Internet sangat TAHI) but out of a sudden it becomes a FLAME WAR. Then i went HOLY SHIT HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?? *reactionplz*

Please keep this in mind, ladies and gents. Mature statement is a key to successful discussion. Immature statement might cause RAAAAAGGGGGGEEEEE among the peers, and might resulted in your arse being kicked REAL HARD. Especially on the net, where communication is hardly effective. Seriously, son you don't know the power of internet. One rule of the net is, once it stays there, it stays there. THAT rule alone can prove to be DESTRUCTIVE. How many people suffers from internet blackmailing each year when they posted something humiliating on the net. THAT is only ONE RULE mate. Internet got many-many rule which proves to be fatal when you commit a mistake.

Balik ke topik asal. This particular topic on the net, have cause some of the members to run AMOK on this one guy. This is due to, what i see as misunderstanding and mis-communication due to ineffective communication (BLAME IT ON THE NET). Tapi dari apa yang aku baca, aku buat satu kesimpulan bahawa salah faham ini berpunca dari perbalahan dalam menegakkan ideologi masing-masing. No surprise there. For ages memang inilah punca manusia berbalah. Pantang berbeza pendapat sikit, takleh selisih faham terus jadi gadoh besar. BUT, guys, please think about this for a while. The subject that you're fighting over, ART, is in nature, very SUBJECTIVE. There is no real definition as the subject matter changes, depending on certain factors.

Bila kita berbincang tentang something SUBJECTIVE, you have to be prepared for some argument. WHY? Sebab akan ada pendapat yang berlaga dengan pendapat anda. But still, it's not worthy to fight over the matter is it? You can't force people to accept your ideology. You may have your own opinion but you have to consider that they too, have their own opinion. RESPECT OTHERS OPINION. The best solution to this problem. Korang takleh paksa orang lain untuk terima pandangan korang. Korang ingat ini negara diktatorship nak paksa-paksa? MALAYSIA is a nation of Democracy (or rather, with the way KERA-jaan memerintah sekarang, i'd say IDIOCRACY) where people have the right to say what they want, and do what they want, as long as it does not go against the rule of the nation. Makanya, korang semua boleh berfikir macam mana sekalipun korang nak fikir. Takde orang leh paksa korang hatta KERA-jaan pon takleh paksa korang berfikir bagi pihak diorang.

So andai korang respek ideologi orang lain, dan tidak mengamalkan dasar "aku betul, ko salah so BUZZ OFF" korang akan direspek kembali oleh orang ramai. To gain respect you must give respect. Simple is it? Kalau ada mangkok yang mentroll korang dan mencaci ideology korang, just brush em off. DO NOT FEED THE TROLL. kalau dah marah sangat, carik patung teddy adik-adik, tampar laju-laju. Kalau masih tak puas, carik la pokok pisang atok korang ke, pokok betik ke, yang agak kurang keras. Jangan ko bantai pokok Jati ke pokok balak. Ke hospital ko kang. Pokok tersebut boleh diterajang sekuat hati korang. Selain melepaskan dendam kesumat, korang gak bulih melatih keting korang menjadi lebih keras bak kata cikgu silat aku. Takdelah patah 3 kalau kene tekel time men bola cam Aaron Ramsey. Suh budak tu minum Anlene banyak-banyak. Tulang rapuh cam pencungkil gigi. Apa aku merepek ni?????

Itulah kesimpulan yang aku boleh buat. Tapi again, ini PENDAPAT aku. Dan memang aku takleh paksa korang terima pendapat aku so lantaklah korang nak fikir camnepun. Korang bebas berfikir. Cuma aku nk kita berdiskusi seaman mungkin. Bak kata lirik sebuah lagu yang aku memang tak ingat tajuk dan penyanyinya sebab aku haram tak tau pape pasal penyanyi penyanyi under-rated (ignorant bastard) :

Buat apa gaduh2 sama kita,
Malaysia ini cuma kecik aje,
Kalau semua gadoh sape nak jageeeee~~~~~~

BTW topik ni memang dah lama sebenarnya. Aku je yang baru join discussion ni so tak pelik la kalau ada orang yang masih tak faham topik apa yang dibincangkan aku dalam group FB. Err... Rasenye takyah reveal kot nama group. Kalau aku rasa patut aku reveal. Tapi tak elok la malukan orang. Tapi on the bright side, mungkin dengan buat camtu kami akan dapat menarik lebih ramai orang untuk join group ini? hurmmmmm....


tch, old jingle. dah berabad orang guna. takpelah.


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