Rabu, 18 April 2012


"Black Rock Shooter is friggin EPIC"

For the first time in my life, i'm writing a review of an anime even when i haven't finished watching the whole episode. You ask me why? Because it's fucking epic. That's why. Black Rock Shooter, BRS, or whatever you're calling it, is an awesome anime with dark and deep meaningful story. I ain't joking when i say this anime is one of the best anime i've watched for ages. Again, you may ask why. So HERE'S WHY

First off, this anime start off slow. The story revolves around Kuroi Mato, a cheerful girl in junior high trying to befriend with Takanashi, one of the quite girl in the class. But it ain't that easy. She got a sister that hates to share Takanashi's love. So she always try to stop Takanashi from trying to befriend with Mato. Now that is just the prologue. Trust me, the deeper the story goes, the more brick is going to be shat. BY YOU. YES, YOU WHO WATCHED THIS GOODAMN ANIME WILL SHAT BRICK WHEN YOU FIND OUT THAT IS ONLY THE PROLOGUE or should i say, THE START TO THE REAL DEAL.

Won't spoil nemore. Watch it and feel it yourself.

What i like about this anime is the theme. The story start with a very easy and light story but as the story goes deeper suddenly it becomes deep, dark and gloomy. I thought this is going to be one of those school life anime where they spend time together and have fun but i was wrong. In the middle of the story suddenly there is a twist in the plot and from normal school life it turned into psychological kind of story, with characters playing and toying with people's emotions and stuff. The story is very deep people have to stop and think of the message behind every scene. I love animes that makes me think. That is why i love this anime.

And the character's emotion. Seriously, now i have another reason to punch my laptop's screen. I only punch the screen on few occasion. Reading Princess Hypocrites may be one of the reason. But now i have another reason to punch the screen. It's because the emotions and feeling of the character in the story was presented in a very effective way, you can feel the rage when you watch that one bitch toying with people's emotion. <--- trying so hard not to give spoilers.

Character's emotion expressed effectively, good, deep and gloomy theme and plus the awesome fight scenes, this anime is one of the few anime that really blows my mind. You have to watch it, and here's how. Right now i have this BRS DVD i'm going to give away. But not for free. I'm going to held a contest in Mangaka Community and the winner will win this Black Rock Shooter DVD. The theme of the contest will be revealed later but if you want this DVD and watch this awesome anime, do participate in the competition. The prize will be delivered by post and don't worry, there is no participation fee. It's for free. I'm fucking serious here i'm giving away this DVD to the winner of the contest. 

So yeah, i haven't finished watching BRS yet. It's just too awesome i have to review it halfway. Better to review things when they're still fresh. So to all anime fans, you seriously have to watch Black Rock Shooter. It's an amazing piece trust me. If it's not of your liking maybe we don't share the same interest but i say this is truly one of the best anime i've watched thus far.

Gotta go. I have to finish the other few episodes. Peace out peeps. I'm out

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Teppan Shoujo Akane Maximum by Youtube - Personal Review

Ok peeps. I'm back.

Bila kali terakhir aku buat entri review komik amatur buatan tempatan? Korang tak ingat? Aku lagi tak ingat. Seingat aku kali terakhir aku review komik Azuan Shah Tahir iaitu FB Chan dan sebelum tu adalah komik Princess Hypocrites karya Adrian Ravenhart (still follow this two awesomely drawn piece) Jadi entri kali ini aku mahu mengiklankan pulak satu lagi karya top notch buatan tempatan iaitu Teppan Shoujo Akane Maximum karya Youtubee 

Title panjang gile wakk!!

Page Liga Komikus. Check it out peeps!! Link belowhttps://www.facebook.com/LigaKomikus.Malaysia

Youtubee ialah salah seorang komikus dari sebuah page awesome di FB iaitu Liga Komikus. Go check it out peeps banyak komik yang awesome korang leh baca di Liga Komikus. Jangan lupa like okeh? Aku tak tau banyak sangat latar belakang pelukis bernama Youtubee ni jadi takleh komen banyak. Kang kalau salah info leh kena rejam woo. Apapun one thing i know is that this fella got mad skills. Just look at those dynamic, smooth lines. You can't help but to admire this fella. Damn!!

Berbalik kepada review, Teppan Shoujo Akane ialah sebuah komik masakan. Diselitkan sedikit unsur humor di dalamnya bagi menambahkan rencah dan perisa kepada cerita tersebut. Aku takmoh bagi sinopsis kali ni. Aku insist korang baca dan nilai sendiri komik ni. Aku mahu terus komen apa yang aku nampak pada komik ni.

One of the strong points in this comic is the neat drawing. In every panel you can see that Youtubee is putting a lot of effort to make sure every single thing was drawn in detail. Komik dengan lukisan yang kemas memang boleh menarik perhatian pembaca. Andai mata pembaca senang melihat komik tersebut lebih tertarik la mereka nak membaca kan? Simple logic. Illustration memang adalah strong points dalam komik ni. Susunan panel juga agak kemas dan dialog yang tersusun, memudahkan pembaca untuk membaca komik ini. Dari segi kesenian, komik ni memang top notch. Kudos.

How can you not admire THIS!? I mean, look at it! LOOK AT IT!!

Dari segi penceritaan pulak, pada aku Teppan Shoujo Akane bukanlah genre cerita yang aku minat. Jujur aku katakan, komik masakan bukanlah satu genre kegemaran aku. Boleh dikira dengan jari jumlah komik masakan yang mampu menarik perhatian aku contohnya Yakitate!! Japan dan Cooking Master Boy. Selain dari itu, aku tak berapa mampu mencerna genre seperti ini. Komik Teppan Shoujo Akane ini awesome, tapi ceritanya tidak begitu menarik perhatian aku. Apapun aku tetap tertarik untuk membaca komik ni kerana art dalam komik ini yang detail. So jangan down sangat Youtubee. Ini just pendapat peribadi.

Now let's go to the downside of it. Dari pemerhatian aku, aku dapati komik ni agak 'statik'. Kurang pergerakan dan agak kaku. Mungkin kerana pemilihan genre cerita masakan mengehadkan pergerakan watak dalam cerita ini. Sayang kerana pada pendapat aku dengan skil lukisan Youtubee dan teknik garisan mantap dia seharusnya mampu mengaplikasikannya ke dalam komik. I hope you're not offended. This is just my personal opinion. Different people have different views, eh?

But overall, i say Teppan Shoujo Akane is one awesome piece worth reading. The art is good, everything is in great detail, and you'll love Youtubee's fair sense of humour. Seriously, go read it. I'll link the comic so that you guys can enjoy it. 

That's all peeps. I'm out. Ciao

P/s: Kepada Youtubee mohon maaf kalau review mengguris hati anda. Ini sekadar pandangan peribadi.

Rabu, 11 April 2012

Teori Konspirasi abam

Blog sudah bersawang. Penulis sudah lari. Masing-masing sibuk dengan hal sendiri. Tinggal abam sa-orang diri. Korang memang celake. Tak reti-reti nak teman abam yang kesepian ni? 

Usagi sibuk dengan hal Comic Fiesta Project dia. Kazu sibuk dengan hal kampus. Student life sangat bz kata diktator muda Boku. Jadi kerana hanya abam sahaja yang free dan tak sibuk maka abam cubalah update sikit2 yang mana abam reti. Abam bukan bijak blog sangat.

Jadi abam terfikir la kalau ada penulis jemputan atau penulis perempuan kan elok. Baru-baru ni penulis jemputan dah jarang hantar penulisan diorang. Tiba-tiba abam terfikir. Peminat anime ni ramai. Kenapa sikit je yang antar pendapat diorang kat abam? Abam rasa mesti ada sedikit pendapat boleh dikongsikan dengan pembaca blog yang rata-rata meminati anime tapi kenapa sikit sangat yang antar?

Untuk pengetahuan korang, sejak ruangan penulis jemputan dirasmikan, penulis paling aktif adalah Kei. Yang lain either menghantar karangan kurang bermutu atau sekadar spam emel abam. Palat la korang ni. 

Jadi abam buat satu teori konspirasi:

What if they actually do have an idea, but they're to shy/scared to share it??

Boleh jadi. Tak mustahil. Punyalah ramai peminat AniManga takkan hanya Kei je (selain penulis blog ni) yang sering berfikir mengenai dunia AniManga?? 

Jadi di sini abam mahu katakan, jangan takut, jangan risau. Pendapat itu dikongsi untuk kebaikan bersama. Kalau ada orang nak marah/flame korang, para diktator ada untuk mem-bekap korang. Asal argument korang valid, of course. Kalau argument serupa itu tahi hanjeng bekap pun tara guna. 

Jadi hantar la artikel korang untuk kami siarkan di ruangan Penulis Jemputan. Emel abam sedia menerima surat artikel korang :


Jadi takyah takut2 dah. Hantar je artikel korang. Kita kongsi idea untuk kebaikan dunia AniManga sejagat. Kalau bukan kita yang berusaha majukan dunia ni siapa lagi?

Majulah animanga untuk Malaysia. <<<slogan lama dah tak best. harooommmm